Women's Bible Studies

"Take heart, daughter." Matthew 9:22

A new 7-sesion study will begin on March 13th  at 9:00am
in the Cascade Room.

 "Psalm 23: The Shepherd With Me" will provide fresh insight and encouragement from the beloved Psalm. We will explore the depths of God's compassionate care and see how we can trust the Shepherd's goodness in every season of life. Invite a friend!

Study books with video access can be ordered from Lifeway.com or from Amazon.

Please contact Becky Wietzke if you have any questions. rawietzke@yahoo.com

Quilters Ministry

Our group of servant-hearted women of OSLC has made and donated over 75 adult and baby quilts in 2023! We are grateful for our time together on Tuesday mornings.

Bring a lunch and join us anytime!

Sonshine Committee

We send cards of cheer, sympathy or encouragement to members of the congregation.

Sonshine Committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 10:30 am.

Contact Angela Libengood for more information.
(360) 305-6771

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets at church on most first Saturdays of the month at 10 am for devotions, prayer, fellowship and work on prayer shawls and lap blankets.

Our work provides comfort and the cover of prayer for people with a variety of needs. We welcome knitters and crocheters to join us or to work on shawls/blankets at home.

Please contact Becky Wietzke (360) 722-4377 rawietzke@yahoo.com if you have questions or know of someone who could be blessed by receiving a shawl or lap blanket.