Welcome and Thank you for visiting 
Our Saviour's Lutheran Preschool!
Make sure to check out our Virtual Open House!

Curriculum Information         
 Registration info      
Meet the teachers          

Our Mission

Our Saviour's Lutheran Preschool provides a loving and accepting educational environment that is appropriate to the developmental needs of young children.
We believe that each child is a child of God and should have every opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually to their fullest potential.

Our Curriculum

We are dedicated to providing the best possible Christian education for your child. Our curriculum is designed to:
-encourage the joy of learning
-develop the skills necessary to follow a routine
-develop both large and small muscle coordination
-promote healthy social interaction
-stimulate intellectual development
-nurture your child’s self-esteem
-foster independence
-develop your child’s faith in God

Preschool Registration Info
2025 - 2026 School year

Enrollment Information

All Registration is done online through the Brightwheel app/Website.
**A separate link will be posted under the registration date for each day**
There is NO in-person registration.
Registration Fee is $75 (non-refundable)

Due to high demand, admission is accepted on a
first come basis.

2025-26 Registration Dates:

New Families: Friday, February 21

2025 Registration Form

**Once registered, please turn on Brightwheel notifications to receive important updates and communication from the Preschool**

**You will receive a message on Brightwheel within a day of registration, letting you know what class your child has been placed in, or if you are on a waitlist. Please make sure you have your notifications turned on. An invoice for a $75 registration fee will be sent to all students placed on a class roster. This fee must be paid within 24 hours to hold your spot in the class.
~ If you have any questions, please email Jaimi McCall at

2025-26 Preschool Classes Offered

3 year old Class (TEACHER: Mrs. Rockwood)  $150/month
Monday/Wednesday - OR - Tuesday/Thursday 9:15-11:45 A.M.
*Child must be 3 years old by August 31, 2024 and able to perform all toileting needs independently (potty trained for at least 3 months prior) to qualify for this class.
  • The 3 year old class focuses on identifying and counting numbers 1-10, recognizing letters and name, identifying colors and shapes, learning days of the week, months of the year and more.

4 year old Class (TEACHER: Mrs. McCall) $225/month --*(waitlist only)*
Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am-12:30pm
*Child must be 4 years old by August 31, 2025 to qualify for these classes.
  • The 4 year old class focuses on phonetic sounds, identifying and tracing upper/lowercase letters, pattern recognition, beginning science concepts, sorting, writing name, strengthening fine motor skills, counting to 20+ and much more.

4 year old Class (TEACHER: Mrs. Breum) $225/month
 Monday and Wednesday 8:45am-12:45pm
*Child must be 4 years old by August 31, 2025 to qualify for these classes.
  • The 4 year old class focuses on phonetic sounds, identifying and tracing upper/lowercase letters, pattern recognition, beginning science concepts, sorting, writing name, strengthening fine motor skills, counting to 20+ and much more.

4/5 year old Class (TEACHER: Mrs. Breum) $225/month
Tuesday and Thursday 8:45am – 12:45pm
*Child must be 5 years old by January 31st, 2026 to qualify for this class.
  • The 4/5 year old class focuses on memorizing phonetic sounds, writing, science concepts, sorting, sequencing, patterns, rhyming, using pencils, scissors and other equipment correctly.

**More classes may be added depending on waitlist. 

Meet the teachers

Jaimi McCall
OSLP Director / 4 year old teacher

Jaimi McCall
OSLP Director / 4 year old teacher

Laura Rockwood
3 year old teacher

Marie Breum
 4/5 year old teacher

Mrs. McCall grew up in Stanwood and
attended this Preschool!
She has been married for over 25 years and has 3 grown children!
She enjoys gardening, working on her small farm, reading, traveling and spending time with her family!
Mrs. McCall has been teaching Preschool since 2006.
She is also the Director of the Preschool.
She has taught all ages but teaching 4 year olds is her favorite age!
Mrs. Rockwood grew up in Stanwood.
She is married to Matt, has 2 children and 3 dogs.
She loves crafting and woodworking! She is also very active at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church with the kids' program and volunteer projects.
Mrs. Rockwood's has loved her first years of teaching!
Mrs. Breum grew up in a small farming community in E. Washington. She is married to a Stanwood native and lives on the family farm.
They have 3 children.
In her free time she enjoys being a coach or spectator at her kid's activities, crafting, cooking & playing women's softball.
Mrs. Breum has subbed in school districts for the past 5 years.
She is also very active in the kids programs at Our Saviour's.

Frequently asked questions

Questions about your child

  • At what age can my child begin Preschool?
They must turn 3 or 4 years old by August 31st of the coming school year to enroll in these classes.
They must be 5 years old by January 31st of the coming year to qualify for the 4/5’s class.
  • Does my child need to be toilet-trained to attend?
Yes. All Preschoolers must be toilet-trained and self-sufficient.
  • How do I know if you have an opening?
We keep our Website updated with the status of our classes.
  • Are children required to be immunized?
No, they are not required.
  • What happens if my child is on the waiting list?
We will contact you when a spot becomes available. Honestly, every year is different, some years we have no movement and others we may have a few.
  • Are we able to get a tour of the Preschool?
We provide a Virtual Tour on our website to check out. In the fall we will provide an in person Open House for you and your child to meet the teacher and see their classroom.
  • How safe is my child? 
The Exterior doors to the church are always locked. Visitors must ring a bell at the front door to be let in by church staff, where they are greeted right away. Visitors are not allowed in classrooms unless approved by the teacher. Children are in the teachers care and sight at all times. Classes only leave their classrooms to go to the bathroom, the gym or outside to recess. Teachers have had background checks done and certified in CPR first Aid.


  • How much is tuition?
3 year old class $150/month
4 year old class $225/month
4/5 year old class $225/month
  • How often is it due?
Tuition is paid monthly, due on the 1st and late after the 5th.
  • Is there a late fee?
Yes. Tuition is past due after 5 days and is therefore subject to a $20 late fee.
  • Do you offer scholarships or discounts?
We operate by tuition only and do not receive any other funding. So unfortunately, we are not able to offer scholarships.
We do offer a multiple child discount when attending in the same school year.
We offer a 5% discount if year is paid in full.
  • Will we be responsible for buying school supplies?
No. The Preschool will purchase all needed supplies.
  • Do you require parents to participate in fundraising efforts?
We do one fundraiser a year, but it is optional for parents to participate.

Parental Involvement

  • Is parental participation required? Will there be opportunities for parents to volunteer in the classroom?
We generally discourage classroom volunteers because we have found it distracts the students from their normal routine.
We welcome offers to help prep crafts at home and sometimes have special occasions where volunteers are helpful or needed.
  • How do you communicate with parents on a regular basis?
Paper communication, email, Brightwheel, class Facebook page, texts, at drop off and pick-up
  • Are there parent/teacher conferences?
We do not hold conferences but encourage parents to contact us when questions or concerns arise, as teachers will do the same. We are willing to set up appointments to meet or talk over the phone, if needed.
Also, we evaluate the kids 3x per year and send home assessments to keep parents up to date on their child’s progress.

Classroom Management

  • How does Drop off and Pickup work?
We have a driveway located behind the church that parents use to drop off and pickup their child at their classroom door each time. Teachers will greet each student as they arrive and dismiss students 1-2 at pick up time. We are very fortunate to have this option. Our new 4/5 year old classroom is located upstairs, but we have a drop off area at beginning and end of class. If parents are late they will need to park in front and walk child in.
  • What curriculum do you use?
We are dedicated to providing the best possible Christian education for your child. Our curriculum is designed to:
-encourage the joy of learning
-develop the skills necessary to follow a routine
-develop both large and small muscle coordination
-promote healthy social interaction
-stimulate intellectual development
-nurture your child’s self-esteem
-foster independence
-develop your child’s faith in God
The Preschool curriculum is also based around monthly themes and the Letter of the week. Lessons are planned to provide academic progress in preparation for Kindergarten readiness.
  • How many students are in each class?
Our max number in the 3 year old classes are 9 students per one teacher.
Our max number in the 4 & 5 year old classes are 12 students per one teacher.
  • What is a typical day look like?
Our days consist of Free Playtime/Centers, Circle Time, Clean up time, Learning Time, Bathroom, Snack/Lunch, Recess, Journals and Story Time. Each day is filled with activities and lessons to keep the kids busy and engaged while they are there, making the most of our time.
More info is listed on the Registration info page, you will need to click the link.
  • Do you focus more on academics or social growth?
Both. These are fundamental for Preschool age kids. We make it a priority to be intentional, incorporating them into every part of our day.
  • Will my child learn basic skills like letters and numbers? Colors and shapes?
Of course. Each child learns at their own pace. These will be introduced throughout the school year.
  • Do the children go outside? Weather permitting, how often and for how long?
Yes! We have a beautiful playground, pictured on our front page of our website, that we use every day for 15-20 mins. If it is pouring down rain or icy we will use the “gym” located down the hall in the church.
  • How do snacks work?
For the 3 year old classes each student will have a chance to bring in snacks for their classmates one week at a time, on a rotating basis. Monthly calendars will be sent home at the end of each month so you can plan accordingly.
-For the 4 & 5 year old class, students will bring in their own lunch. We welcome small treats for the class on their birthday!
  • How do you handle food allergies?
Children with allergies generally keep their own food in the classroom in case they are allergic to snack of the day. Families are notified of allergies in the classroom. Teachers keep a record visible in classroom.
  • How does bathroom time work?
Our Preschool bathrooms are located down the hallway, on the landing of the stairway. Each class has a designated time for children to use the restroom. While children take turns using the bathroom, the other children will sit on steps and teachers will use this time to sing or reiterate lessons. If needed, classes may do this 1-2 times a class period.
  • How are children disciplined?
Preschoolers are just beginning to learn to express their emotions and acquire the complex skills required in our society. Understandably, they will try a variety of behaviors as they approach this difficult task in their struggle to achieve a balance between their personal needs and the rights and safety of others.
We have instituted a Green and Red choice behavior management system. Green choices are good behaviors, worded in a positive way. They are the choices we want students to make such as listen, use kind words, and have a calm body. Green is a symbol for go, keep going and red is a symbol for stop.
We see discipline as an educational process that encourages children to recognize the choices available in order to select behaviors that are effective, appropriate, and acceptable. This process should not humiliate a child or in any way damage his or her self-esteem. We believe the unacceptable behavior should be stopped because an inappropriate choice has been made. In order to accomplish this, we use the following 3-step process:
  1. Within reasonable and consistent limits which are clearly defined in words children can understand, we will encourage students to solve their own problems by helping them verbalize their needs and find a suitable solution.
  1. Teachers’ directions will be stated positively rather than in a negative form. (“Please use a quieter voice” versus “Don’t yell!”). The children’s right to negative emotions such as anger or fear will be respected. Teachers will endeavor to understand the student’s feelings.
  2. Consequences for misbehavior will be of short duration and immediately following the correction. Whenever possible, the consequence will bear relation to the act. Time-outs are frequently used as a short “break” from a tense situation.
If a student consistently does not show positive strides toward behavior that is acceptable for the classroom, our preschool teachers, along with the Preschool Board members reserve the right to dismiss such a student from the program.
  • At what point do you notify the parents if there is a discipline or other type of issue?
We give parents a heads up at pick up time if there was an issue that day or continuing. We talk about what strategies work at home or ways we can support you at home.
  • Do you go on field trips?
Typically, the 4 & 5 year old classes will attend 2-3 field trips per year, if able. Parents are encouraged to attend.